Wednesday, 12 March 2014

How to Be a Great Football Player

 To Be a Great Football Player
La Liga league is one of spanish greatest game. It's also a tough game, if you're not doing too good at a few things. This can help you get really good at the game everybody loves.

Know that you can achieve your goal. The first thing you have to do is get into the mindset of, "I can be a great football player!" This will help you stay on track later on, when the physical work becomes too much or you're not catching on to the techniques as fast and you feel like giving up.

Be in great shape. If you are out of shape, you can not do well. Being physically active means being physically fit; here are some factors to know:

    Your diet.
    Your amount of exercise.
    Being sick.

Practice the basics of football. Seriously, you need to know how to throw and catch a football. You don't have to be exceptionally well at these, depending on what position you will like to play, but it allows you to play more positions.

Find a position you like to play. To have the best results, you have to know what you have the most potential to do well in, and then practice more to become the best in what you do. Some things you may want to know are:

    Your ability to catch.
    Your ability to throw.
    Your speed is key.
    Your body structure (I.E. Guys with a lot of muscles often play different positions than those who have less. Consider how your body is built.)

Practice the skills for your position. Even when you are off the field, you have to be practicing often. Not only that it help you become more fit, but it also allows you to excel at most thing you do.

Be aware of your competition. There are more player who want the same position as you, and when you want to start, you have to be the best. More practice of the skills you need is critical. Having an exercise routine is also important.

Be tough. If you can't take a hit (or multiple hits) without getting hurt or sad, then football is not for you. You have to be strong.

Get along with your team members. This do no change your physical talent, but it can change the game. A teamwork can not be achieve without a team, and teamwork is easy to achieve when you get along with your team mates.

Get ready to win. Prepare well to play, and never think negatively about yourself or your team. Don't think you're good enough to beat the opposition, but just know you're good enough to destroy the opposition.

Understand that anything less than you absolute maximum 100% effort on every play is a recipe for mediocrity, if you want to be great, you must attack every play with all you physical and mental skills operating at their absolute maximum. Their is no half speed, no rest period, no "taking plays off". You have to be a "nuclear explosion" once the ball is snapped and until the whistle blows, if your not prepared to give that type of maximal effort, you will never be great.

When you're off the field, Always listen to your coaches or coordinators. Please Follow their advice once you start playing and it will make a big difference in how confidently you play.

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