Tuesday, 18 March 2014

verbal patriotism

If a person on every corner does not advertise his patriotic position, with him and demand is low , if it turns out that somewhere in the " enemy camp " he miraculously wound up expensive real estate and cash accounts .

Not entirely clear other as possible to keep their savings in the territory of a real or even a potential enemy , and in parallel to daily and publicly condemn him rotten morality and alien system of values. It's like that if Goebbels or Goering kept their money in rubles in savings banks , and Zhukov, Rokossovsky got comfortable in the vast estates of Bavaria.

On top of all this alien " rot " can adopt children and happy owners of real estate and accounts that are far from their homeland to the enemy attached lifestyle , very far from the major domestic and spiritual values ​​of scrapie .

Can teach Russian or American man ? Naturally, only the poor , which means that to prevent further corruption of our future leaders ( janitors and firemen grow from a different litter ) , you must promptly return the add on the territory where their mothers and fathers proclaim peace, labor , May, equality and fraternity .

Frankly, the patriots of the Soviet period had a little different view of patriotism. Difficult to imagine the owners of this " gentlemanly set " Mikoyan and Molotov , Suslov and Gromyko . Even Khrushchev Italian shoes , which he banged on the table at the United Nations , against the current duplicity seems only a childish prank .

And the result is a curious picture . Foreign currency accounts in the enemy , expensive real estate all on the same territory unfriendly to us , thence use in education and medicine , preferred their domestic counterparts , is nothing more than a propaganda negated verbally hostile lifestyle and , of course, the disparagement of their own values ​​and success.

By the way this applies not only to politicians but also to cultural figures , entertainers , who sometimes just gush their patriotic rhetoric , just something not particularly enjoy the juicy fruits of their own country .

Is it time to start sharing with the main part of the population all the hardships and privations which prepared us fate . You look, and begin to grow stronger ruble , and production will begin to emerge , and to medicine to education, finally , to show due attention , though not willingly , but for lack of an opportunity to use its foreign counterparts.

Otherwise it turns absurdity . Those who stigmatize alien lifestyle and tell us about his worthlessness and hostility shamelessly enjoy all the benefits of an alien civilization , and we have " standing immediately behind the fence ," if they wanted to read and compare , this is not possible , and I fear for the foreseeable the future will not be presented , and not even in sight.

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